For Sale
BAC 167 Strikemaster


Year of construction  1970
Country  US Florida
City/Aerodrome  TBA
Description  MK88 is a New Zealand Air Force Aircraft
This is the only version made with a "G" suit system (fully operational)

Same owner last 12 years.  Has been flown on the U.S. Airshow Circuit for many years.  The aircraft is just off of Government contract work with the Department of Defense.

This aircraft should have antoher 9,000 to 11,000 hours of airframe life remaining.
Airplane time state  1970 BAC 167 Strikemaster
6180 Total Time Since New
SN EEP-JP-3236

Complete records since birth.

Rolls-Royce Viper Mk.535 turbojet, 3,140 lbf

1710 Total Time Since Overhaul
3000 TBO
Interior  Refurbished
Exterior  Vietnam Era Camo with the Dragon nose art/graphics.
Avionics  Standard Military Configuration
Garmin G-5
Garmin 430 WASS
Garmin 340
Garmin Audio Panel
Garmin 327 Transponder
UHF Radio - Installed but disconnected
IFR Equipped
Options  Smoke System
Two 87 gallon drop tanks that give an operational range of 550 nm
Two seat pack parachutes included
Remarks  She hasn’t flown in about 18 months so she will need a good condition inspection.

Wings replaced by the New Zealand Air Force

Here is what I know she needs;

Brakes - need to be looked at.
New batteries.
Smoke system oil tank needs to be replaced
There is a leak in the brake master cylinders that will need an O’ Ring replaced.
Price  $ 97,500

Last updated 


Offered by

Raptor Aviation, Inc.
Port St Lucie, US Florida
Phone +1 859-250-0082

Please mention PlaneCheck if you inquire about this airplane