For Sale
Cessna 150


Year of construction  1966
Country  Hungary
City/Aerodrome  Szatymaz
Description  We are selling the aircraft in which we were the owner of for 20 years.
Aircraft is sold in Airworthy condition, with all the documentation. The plane is still flown, so the said times can vary by a few hours.

Engine: Continental O-200A
Engine total time since overhaul: 1570 hours
Engine remaining hours: 230
Engine last overhaul: 2016
Engine runs perfectly, no metal flakes in oil.

Propeller: Sensenich 69CK-0-52L
Propeller time since last overhaul: 1470 hours
Propeller last overhaul: 2017

Aircraft total time: 7880 hours
Aircraft total cycles: 9700

No known accidents from the past, no accident since we are the owner of the plane.
Avionics  KRT-2 Radio
Bendix King KT 76 transponder
Kanardia HORIS
Price  € 25,000  excl 27% EU VAT
[ approx  € 31,750  incl VAT ]

Last updated 


Offered by

Szemp Air Kft
Levente Paragi
Szatymaz, Hungary
Phone +36308124747

Please mention PlaneCheck if you inquire about this airplane