For Sale
Cessna 152


Year of construction  1979
Country  Finland
City/Aerodrome  Hyvinkaa EFHV
Description  Cessna 152 s/n 15283512
Flight club's trainer
Airplane time state  TTAF 12207 hours
Engine Lycoming O-235, 3608 hours SFRM 4/2014
Propeller 2-blade Sensenich, 703 SOH 3/2022
Last annual and ARC 10/2023, TTAF 12186
Times as is 20.12.2023, plane is in active use
Interior  7/10
Exterior  7/10
Avionics  Com1/Nav1/GS1 King KX 155 TSO
Com2 King KY 96A TSO
Audiopanel King KMA 24 TSO
Transponder Garmin GTX327
DME King KN 64
ADF King KR 87 TSO
PLB Ocean Signal PLB1
Price  € 45,000  VAT free

Last updated 


Offered by

Jukolan Pilotit ry
Pertti Heininen
Hyvinkaa, Finland
Phone +358 50 5596319

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